AXIA Holding Company | Apex, NC USA | 919.423.2518
Steve Casbon
CEO & Lead Visionary, Founding Board Member
Steve is a servant of his Lord Jesus Christ, husband, dad, and a creatively passionate entrepreneur that loves working with people.

Steve's primary role with AXIA is to lead and direct the team’s vision and missional focus. One primary element in accomplishing this is by identifying and recruiting like-minded leaders and companies to become part of the AXIA team. Steve’s heart and passion to help leaders become the leaders that God designed them to be will be what drives the ongoing leadership development at AXIA. His unique approach to mentoring and encouraging through inspirational leadership will hopefully help others to unleash their God-given potential.
Steve began his career in the family electrical business where he was able to implement operational efficiencies and help drive growth in revenues by over 400% during his first 5-years in the business. He became very active in his community through involvement in the Rotary Club, Chamber of Commerce, and numerous other fundraisers and charitable organizations. Steve became president of the company and eventually left the business after serving there for 13 years. Since that time, he has held a variety of business development and management roles. In 2001 he founded Concierge of Indianapolis, a corporate entertainment and hospitality company. In 2006 he joined the national team of CBMC, a worldwide evangelistic ministry in the marketplace. During his time at CBMC, Steve was a contributing member of the National Leadership Team that helped to re-establish their national brand and implement a leadership development and training process that have been contributing factors to organizational expansion and the successful recruitment and development of numerous leaders during that time. Steve became National Director of Field Ministry at CBMC in 2010 and served there until 2015 when he left to form Ambassador Development Group (ADG). ADG is a private equity investment company with a mission of: “Operating profitable companies that honor God and impact people”. Steve has served as a Managing Partner at ADG since its inception.
Since surrendering his life to Jesus Christ in 1996, Steve has been on an amazing journey with the pursuit of becoming the man that God has designed him to be. This journey has brought much joy, heartache, and challenges, which have all been contributing factors for the realization of his great need for faith and daily dependence on his Lord.